Quonset Point, R. I. – September 23, 1943

Quonset Point Naval Air Station    

SBD Dauntless
U. S. Navy Photo

    At 11:49 p.m. on the night of September 23, 1943, an SBD Dauntless, (Bu. No. 28342), was taking off from runway 1 at the Quonset Point Naval Air Station when it lost power just as it was becoming airborne at the end of the runway.  It subsequently crashed into Narragansett Bay about 25 feet off the runway.  The pilot and radioman were rescued with minor injuries. 


     Quonset Point Crash Log at Providence College Library archives.  

Quonset Point, R. I. – September 14, 1943

Quonset Point Naval Air Station

SBD Dauntless
U. S. Navy Photo

U.S. Navy Wildcat
U.S. Navy Photo

     At 2:40 p.m. on September 14, 1943, an SBD Dauntless, (Bu. No. 2868), aircraft was taxiing on runway 16 at the Quonset Point Naval Air Station.   As it was doing so it collided into the back of an F4F Wildcat, (Bu. No. 03390), that was parked on runway 34 about 100 yards south of the intersection of runway 10.  The propeller of the Dauntless chewed off the tail of the wildcat.  There was also damage to the Dauntless, but there were no injuries to anyone aboard the airplanes. 


     Quonset point Crash Log at Providence College Library archives. 


Quonset Point, R. I. – August 18, 1943

Quonset Point Naval Air Station – August 18, 1943    

F6F Hellcat
U. S. Navy Photo

     At 9:50 a.m. on the morning of August 18, 1943, a navy F6F Hellcat, (Bu. No. 25763), was landing on runway 28 when it ground looped and flipped onto its back.  No serious injuries to the pilot.   


     Quonset Point Crash Logs at the Providence College Library archives.  

Quonset Point, R. I. – July 31, 1943

Quonset Point Naval Air Station – July 31, 1943   

U.S. Navy FM-2 Wildcat
U.S. Navy Photo

      On July 31, 1943, an F4F Wildcat, (Bu. No. 12148), ground looped off of runway 19 causing damage to the landing gear and crumpling the port wing.  The pilot was not injured. 


     Quonset Point Crash Log at Providence College Library archives.

Quonset Point, R. I. – July 25, 1943

   Quonset Point Naval Air Station – July 25, 1943

SNC Falcon
Naval History and Heritage Command Photo

      On July 25, 1943, a Curtiss-Wright SNC-1 Falcon training aircraft, (Bu. No. 05201), crash landed on runway 23 at the Quonset Point Naval Air Station causing damage to the wings.  The pilot and instructor were not injured. 

     Later that same day, another SNC-1, (Bu. No. 05207), crash landed on runway 34 causing damage tot he wings and tail.  There were no injuries.     


     Quonset Point Crash Log, Providence College Library archives.  

Quonset Point, R. I. – November 27, 1944

Quonset Point Naval Air Station – November 27, 1944


F6F Hellcat
U. S. Navy Photo

     At 3:30 p.m. on the afternoon of November 27, 1944, a navy  F6F Hellcat, (Bu. No. 44296), made an emergency landing in a “fishing cover” near the airfield.  The reason for the landing was not specified.  The plane came to rest in three feet of water, and the pilot was not injured. 


     Quonset Point Crash Log, November 4, 1944, to June 24, 1945, Providence College Library.  

Quonset Point, R. I. – June 4, 1945

Quonset Point Naval Air Station – June 4, 1945


Corsair Aircraft
U. S. Navy Photo

    On June 4, 1945, a F4U Corsair, (Bu. No. 81639) was making a landing at the Quonset Point NAS when a wheel strut broke causing the plane to ground loop, damaging the propeller and breaking the left wing.  The pilot was not injured. 


     Quonset Point Crash Log – Providence College Library


Atlantic Ocean – August 18, 1943

Atlantic Ocean – August 18, 1943   

Martin Mariner
U. S. Navy photo

     On August 18, 1943, a U. S. Navy Martin Mariner with twelve men aboard took off from the Quonset Point Naval Air Station in Rhode Island for an anti-submarine training flight.  While participating in the exercise the plane crashed into the ocean a few miles off Montauk Point, Long Island, and all aboard perished.

     The crew was identified as:

      Lt. (Jg) Joseph Prentice Willetts of Roslyn, New York.  https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/82018316/joseph-prentice-willetts 

     Lt (Jg.) William S. Anderson of Bay City, Texas.

     Lt. (Jg.) John H. Wenzel of Houston, Texas. https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/81331987/john-henry-wenzel

     Aviation Machinist Mate 3/C John Burnett Bub of Cleveland, Ohio.  https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/258818458/john-burnett-bub

     Aviation Radioman 3/C Irving L. Marshall Jr. of Baltimore, Maryland.  

     Aviation Radioman Thomas Joseph Davies of Philadelphia, Penn.  

     Seaman 2/C Bruce F. Shankle of Thomasville, North Carolina.  https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/101223567/bruce-franklin-shankle

     Aviation Machinist Mate 1/C William G. O’Brien of Norfolk, Virginia.  

     Aviation Radioman 1/C Frank E. Verran of Elizabethtown, Tenn.  https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/233337960/frank-e-verran

     Seaman 2/C Dale H. Pixter of Mt. Pleasant Iowa. 

     Aviation Ordinance Mate Arthur Eager of Whittier, California.  

     Aviation Machinist Mate 3/C Richard J. Willauer of Brooklyn, New York. 


     Providence Journal, “Navy Identifies 12 Plane Victims”, August 20, 1943.  


Quonset Point, R. I. – June 29, 1955

Quonset Point Naval Air Station – June 29, 1955 


Douglas Skyraider
U. S. Navy Photo

     On June 29, 1955, the pilot of a a navy AD-5W Skyraider, (Bu. No. 132786), was attempting an emergency landing on Runway 16 at the Quonset Point Naval Air station when the plane lost all power and crashed, killing the pilot and another crewman aboard.  

     The men had been assigned to VC-12 stationed at Quonset.

     The identities of the men were not reported in the press, however, according to town death records for North Kingstown, R. I., they were:

     Ensign Joseph Frank Stendle, 24, of Orange, N. J.

     AT2/c Carmine Enrico Leo Jr., 24, of Portland Maine.   https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/158336611/carmine-enrico-leo


     The Recorder, “Two Killed In Quonset Air Crackup”, June 29, 1955. (Article submitted by Eric Wiberg, author and historian.) 

     North Kingstown, R. I. death records, #55-44 and 55-45

Quonset Point, R. I. – March 25, 1946

Quonset Point, R. I. – March 25, 1946 


SB2C Helldiver
U.S. Navy Photo

     On March 25, 1946, an SBW-4E Helldiver, (Bu. No. 60126), was returning to the Quonset Point Naval Air Station after a training flight.  Upon landing the aircraft collided with another Helldiver, which was parked and unoccupied, shearing its tail section off.   Both aircraft were heavily damaged, but the pilot was not hurt.


     U. S. Navy accident report, dated March 25, 1946

Quonset Point, R. I. – March 25, 1946

Quonset Point, Rhode Island – March 25, 1946 


SB2C Helldiver
U.S. Navy Photo

    On March 25, 1946, an SBW-4e Helldiver, (Bu. No. 60113), was practicing take offs and landings at the Quonset Point Naval Air Station.  On one of the takeoffs the aircraft suddenly lost power and crash landed.  The pilot was uninjured, but the aircraft suffered heavy damage. 


     U. S. Navy accident report, dated March 25, 1946  

North Atlantic – July 3, 1941

North Atlantic – July 3, 1941    

Updated December 22, 2024

U.S. Navy Catalina
U.S. Navy Photo

      On July 3, 1941, a U. S. Navy PBY-5 Catalina (Bu. No. 2347), with seven crewmen aboard took off from the Quonset Point Naval Air Station in Rhode Island bound for Iceland.  The aircraft was assigned to VP-72, which was being transferred from Quonset to provide cover for U. S. Marine Corps occupation forces stationed in Iceland.

     The flight was to be instrument flight rules due to zero visibility with cumulus clouds extending to about 18,000 feet.  The plane never arrived at its destination, and what happened to it is unknown.  Navy investigators theorized that an onboard fire may have occurred due to a leak in the temporary hull tank installation, or that the aircraft entered a spin while flying on instruments and never recovered.  The official cause of the accident is listed as “Unknown”.

     The missing crewmen were identified as follows:

     Pilot: Ensign Robert C. McKown of Atlanta, Georgia.  https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/46662232/robert-holmes-mckown


     Co-Pilot: Ensign Joseph C. Haskel of Charleston, South Carolina.  https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/24189232/joseph-cheves-haskell

     AMM1c Wyman Richard Van Liere, (28), of Liberty, Arizona.  The Navy report lists the last name only as “Liere”, but newspaper accounts state the last name is Van Liere. 


     AMM1c Linton Melmus England, (32), of Long Beach, California.  

     AMM3c Anthony Henry Gazafy, (28), of Milwaukee, Wisconsin.  His birthday was the same day the plane disappeared.  He was 28. 

     RM1c Claude Andrew Ashley, (34), of Garden City, Kansas.  https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/29114286/claude-andrew-ashley

     RM3c Lyn Elliott Dunlap, (20), of Mountain, Wisconsin.  https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/240442339/lynn-elliott-dunlap

     Despite a search which lasted for more than two weeks no trace of the missing aircraft was found.  A few weeks later seven charred helmets believed to have come from the ill fated Catalina washed up on a beach in Marblehead, Massachusetts, supporting the on-board fire or explosion theory.  


     U. S. Navy accident report #3043 dated July 3, 1941

     Wilmington Morning Star, “Patrol Plane Lost At Sea”, July 8, 1941, pg. 10.

     Evening Star,(Wash. D.C.), “Navy Abandons Search For Plane Carrying 7” July 24, 1941, page B-2.  

     The Mercury, (Pottstown, PA.), “U.S. Navy Plane Reported Missing With Seven Men On Atlantic Patrol”, July 8, 1941 

     Unknown newspaper, unknown date, “Charred Air Helmets May Hold Secret of Missing Atlantan”.  Ensign McKown was from Atlanta, and the article featured his picture.  



Narragansett Bay – July 12, 1978

Narragansett Bay, Rhode Island – July 12, 1978

     On July 12, 1978, a single engine civilian aircraft with two men aboard was attempting to land at the former Quonset Point Naval Air Station when the plane was struck by a strong gust of wind.  The wind gust caused the aircraft to strike a seawall and then careen back out over the water where it crashed.   Fortunately neither man was injured, and both were able to swim to shore before the plane sank in six feet of water.  The aircraft was later recovered by a crane.  

     Source: The Standard Times, “Wind Blamed For Crash”, July 13, 1978

North Kingstown, R. I. – February 2, 1958

North Kingstown, Rhode Island – February 12, 1958

     On February 12, 1958, a U. S. Navy FJ-3 Fury jet (Bu. No. 135979), was approaching the Quonset Point Naval Air Station when the engine suddenly lost all power.  The pilot was unable to restart the engine and was forced to bail out.   He landed safely, but the jet crashed next to a private home on Pettee Avenue about a mile north of the air station runway.  The home, which was occupied at the time, was damaged by flames, but nobody on the ground was injured.  

     Source: The Rhode Island Pandulum, “Jet Crash Just Misses Mt. View Home; Pilot Safe”, February 13, 1958, page 1

Quonset Point, R. I. – March 2, 1943

Quonset Point Naval Air Station – March 2, 1943


F4U Corsair
US Navy Photo

      At 8 p.m. on the night of March 2, 1943, a U. S. Navy F4F-4 Corsair, (Bu. No. 12193), was making a night landing at the Quonset Point Naval Air Station when it hit the slipstream of the aircraft in front of it and crash-landed causing major damage to the aircraft.  The pilot was not injured.    

     Source: U. S. Navy accident report #43-6128 dated March 2, 1943.

Quonset Point, R. I. – January 25, 1966

Quonset Point, Rhode Island – January 25, 1966


A-4 Skyhawk
U.S. Navy Photo

     On January 25, 1966, navy Lieutenant Phillip G. Richardson, (30), was killed when the A4B Skyhawk he was piloting crashed in the water of Narragansett Bay just short Runway 34 while making a landing approach to the Quonset Point Naval Air Station. 

     Source: Hartford Courant, “Jet Crash kills Pilot”, January 26, 1966   


Narragansett Bay – November 16, 1993

Narragansett Bay – November 16, 1993

     At about 9:30 a.m. on the morning of November 16, 1993, a 51-year-old man took off from Runway 34 at the Quonset State Airport in a home-built ultralight aircraft.  Shortly after becoming airborne the engine failed, and the aircraft went down in Narragansett Bay about 1,000 feet off the runway.  The man was rescued by a nearby boater and transported to a medical facility where he was treated and released. The wreckage was recovered and examined by state crash investigators.

     Source: Providence Journal, “Pilot Survives Crash Off Quonset”, November 17, 1993, page D-5.   


Quonset Point, R. I. – July 30, 1987

Quonset Point, Rhode Island – July 30, 1987

     On July 30, 1987, a pilot and his passenger were practicing take-offs and landings in a single-engine Rockwell aircraft on Runway 16 at the former Quonset Point Naval Air Station.  At about 2:30 p.m. the aircraft came in for a landing and just after touchdown suddenly veered to the left, went over a sea wall, and flipped upside down before crashing into the water of Narragansett Bay about twenty feet from shore.  The aircraft lost a portion of its tail section.  Both men were rescued and transported to medical facilities for treatment of non-life-threatening injuries. 

     Source: Providence Journal, “Two Men Injured In Plane crash At Quonset”, July 31, 1987, page A-3   


Off Block Island, R. I. – June 7, 1943

Off Block Island, Rhode Island – June 7, 1943


U.S. Navy Wildcat Fighter
U.S. Navy Photo

     On the afternoon of June 7, 1943, a flight of F4F Wildcat aircraft took off from the Quonset Point Naval Air Station for a formation training flight.  The flight headed southward towards Block Island, which is three miles off the coast of Rhode Island.  At about 5 p.m., the flight leader led the formation into the edge of a cloud formation.  As the aircraft entered the clouds, the Wildcat being piloted by Ensign James Wilson Davis was observed by his wingman to suddenly roll over violently and go into a steep dive.  The wingman followed downward, but pulled out of the dive at about 300 feet.  Ensign Davis’s aircraft crashed into the sea and disappeared about a half-mile east of Block Island. 

     The navy serial number of Ensign Davis’s Wildcat was 12208.        

     The members of the flight were assigned to VF-16. 

     Source: U. S. Navy accident report, no. 43-7180, dated June 7, 1943.  

Quonset Point, R. I. – May 6, 1948

Quonset Point, Rhode Island – May 6, 1948

     On May 6, 1948, a flight of U. S. Navy Phantom fighter-jets left the Quonset Point Naval Air Station for a training flight to the aircraft carrier U.S.S. Saipan operating fifty miles off the coast of New England.  All aircraft were part of Fighter Squadron 17, (VF-17), stationed at Quonset Point. 

     Later in the day the aircraft took off from the Saipan and returned to Quonset.  As the aircraft were passing over Narragansett Bay approaching Quonset Point, one of the jets, (Bu. No. 111787), was seen to suddenly turn upside down as its tail section broke away.  The aircraft then dove into the water about 500 feet off the Quonset runway.   The pilot, Commander Ralph A. Fuoss, (33), did not survive. 

     When the tail section to Commander Fuoss’ aircraft broke away, it struck the wing of another jet, Bu. No. 111796.  That aircraft landed safely.        

     Commander Fuoss was a combat veteran of World War II, and had been stationed at Quonset Point since September of 1947.  He’s buried in Logan Valley Cemetery in Bellwood, Penn.  To view a photo of Commander Fuoss click here:  https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/9911747/ralph-albert-fuoss 


     The Nashua Telegraph, “Jet Plane Pilot Loses Life When Plane Hits Water”, May 7, 1948, page 10. 


Narragansett Bay – November 17, 1955

Narragansett Bay – November 17, 1955


Douglas Skyraider
U. S. Navy Photo

     On November 17, 1955, an AD-5W Skyraider, (Bu. No. 132729), was approaching runway 23 at the Quonset Point Naval Air Station when it crashed into Narragansett Bay 900 feet short of the runway.  The pilot was reportedly uninjured. 

     The pilot was assigned to VC-12 Squadron. 


     Evening Star, (Washington, D.C.), “Naval Pilot Rescued From Crash In Bay”, November 18, 1955, page A-22. 

Off Point Judith, R. I. – April 18, 1951

Off Point Judith, Rhode Island- April 18, 1951


U.S. Navy
Grumman F9F Panther
U.S. Navy Photo – National Archives

     On April 18, 1951, Lieutenant (j.g.) Robert E. Tisdale, (25), took off from the Quonset Point Naval Air Station in a F9F-2 Panther, (Bu. No. 127086).  At some point during the flight he lost his life when he crashed into the water 3.5 miles off Point Judith.  The cause of the accident is unknown. 

     Lt. Tisdale was survived by his wife.

     He was assigned to VF-72.



     Newport Mercury, (R.I.), “Navy Pilot Killed In Jet Crash Off Point Judith”, April 20, 1951, page 2.     

     Evening Star, (Washington, D.C.), “Pilot Dies In Jet Crash”, April 19, 1951, page A-4.  

Quonset Point – September 17, 1951

Quonset Point Naval Air Station – September 17, 1951 


P2V Neptune
U.S. Air Force Photo

     On September 17, 1951, a P2V-4 Neptune, (Bu. No. 124235), was landing at the Quonset Point Naval Air Station after a training flight.  The weather was poor with low visibility.  The aircraft ran off the end of the runway and over a sea wall and came to rest with one wing in the water and the other against the seawall.  The aircraft was damaged beyond repair but the five men aboard were not injured.     

     The aircraft was assigned to VF-7.

     Source: U. S. Navy accident report dated September 17, 1951 

Quonset Point NAS – August 25, 1951

Quonset Point Naval Air Station – August 25, 1951


Douglas Skyraider
U. S. Navy Photo

     On August 25, 1951, an AD-4 Skyraider, (Bu. No. 124766), was returning from a training flight to the Quonset Point Naval Air Station when the landing gear collapsed upon touchdown.  The aircraft skidded to a stop.  Although the aircraft suffered damage to its underside, the pilot was not injured.   

     The aircraft was assigned to VC-12 at Quonset Point. 

     Source: U. S. Navy accident report dated August 25, 1951 

Narragansett Bay – November 15, 1951

Narragansett Bay – November 15, 1951


Douglas Skyraider
U. S. Navy Photo

   On November 15, 1951, a navy AD-4 Skyraider, (Bu. No. 124077), took off from Runway 23 at the Quonset Point Naval Air Station for a routine training flight.  Shortly after becoming airborne the engine lost power and the aircraft went down in the waters of Narragansett Bay about a mile from the end of the runway.  The pilot was rescued and the aircraft recovered. 

     The aircraft was assigned to VC-12 stationed at Quonset Point. 

     Source: U. S. Navy accident report dated November 15, 1951    

Atlantic Ocean – January 26, 1950

Atlantic Ocean – January 26, 1950


Douglas Skyraider
U. S. Navy Photo

     On January 26, 1950, a flight of AD-3 Skyraider aircraft from the Quonset Point Naval Air Station were participating  in an aerobatic training exercise over the water about 2 miles southwest of Point Judith, R.I.   During the exercise, two aircraft, Bu. No. 122810, and Bu. No. 122831, were involved in a mid-air collision.  One pilot, Midshipman Donald H. Anrep, (21), from Pontiac, Michigan, was killed.  The other pilot survived. 

     Both pilots had been assigned to VA-74 stationed at Quonset Point.     


     U. S. Navy Accident Report dated January 26, 1950   

     The Evening Star, (Wash. D. C.), “Navy Pilot Missing In Sea”, January 27, 1950

Narragansett Bay – December 29, 1951

Narragansett Bay, R. I. – December 29, 1951


Douglas Skyraider
U. S. Navy Photo

     Just before 6 p.m. on the evening of December 29, 1951, Ensign Roy C. Pickler took off from the Quonset Point Naval Air Station in an AD-3 Skyraider aircraft, (Bu. No. 122844), for a night training flight that would involve night touch-and-go landings at the Quonset airfield.   Once airborne, Pickler was directed to join three other aircraft already in the air, and all four aircraft were put in a holding pattern to await further instructions.   About fifteen minutes later the aircraft were directed to a lower altitude, and shortly afterward it was noted that one aircraft had disappeared. 

     A red emergency flare was then spotted in the water and two crash-rescue boats were dispatched.  Ensign Pickler was recovered from the water unconscious, about a half-mile southeast of the Quonset pier.  All efforts to revive him failed.   

     Ensign Pickler was assigned to VC-12 stationed at Quonset Point. 

     Source: U. S. Navy Accident Report dated December 29, 1951. 

North Kingstown, R. I. – August 9, 1961

North Kingstown, Rhode Island – August 9, 1961


Douglas Skyraider
U. S. Navy Photo

     On August 9, 1961, two U. S. Navy AD-6 Skyraider aircraft  took off from the Quonset Point Naval Air Station for a routine a training flight.  Within a few miles of the air station, at an altitude of about 9,600 feet, the aircraft were involved in a mid-air collision over the town of North Kingstown.  One pilot bailed out safely and came down in a wooded area behind St. Bernard’s Church.  His aircraft crashed and burned in the same wooded area.    The other pilot remained with his aircraft and crashed in a body of water known as Belleville Pond.  (Another source states “Secret Lake” which is to the immediate south of Belleville Pond.)  The pilot received serious injuries in the crash, and local residents swam to his aid and kept his head above water until rescue vehicles arrived.  Once ashore the pilot was transported to Newport Naval Hospital via helicopter.   


     The Standard, (North Kingstown), “Local Residents Aid In Plane Crash Rescue”, August 10, 1961, page 1. 

     The Rhode Island Pendulum, “Navy Probes Crash Of 2 Quonset Pilots; One Is seriously Injured”, August 10, 1961

Quonset Point – May 12, 1950

Quonset Point Naval Air Station – May 12, 1950

Updated January 4, 2025

TBM-3E Avenger
U. S. Navy Photo

     On the morning of May 12, 1950, a flight of two navy TBM-3E Avengers were scheduled to leave the Quonset Point Naval Air Station and fly cross-country to Grouse Isle, Michigan, and then on to Minneapolis, Minn. 

     Both aircraft taxied into position for takeoff on Runway 34.  Bu. No. 85516, piloted by a Commander, was to be the lead plane, and Bu. No. 85813, piloted by Ensign Roland S. Warde III, (22), was to be the “wing man”. 

     When it was Ensign Warde’s turn to take off, he applied full throttle and traveled 700 feet down the runway before leaving the ground at which time his aircraft began to go into a steep climb.  Moments later the aircraft stalled, and fell back to the runway where it burst into flame. 

     There were two passengers aboard Ensign Warde’s aircraft, and both managed to escape with non-life-threatening injuries.  Ensign Warde perished in the fire.     

     Ensign Warde is buried in Highland Cemetery in Norwood, Massachusetts. 





     U. S. Navy accident report 

     www.findagrave.com, Memorial #129127377

Narragansett Bay – November 15, 1948

Narragansett Bay – November 15, 1948


TBM-3E Avenger
U. S. Navy Photo

     On November 15, 1948, a navy TBM-3E, (Bu. No. 86282), was making practice touch-and-go landings at the Quonset Point Naval Air Station.  After making a successful landing the pilot took off again, but as the aircraft was gaining altitude the engine lost power and the plane went down in Narragansett Bay.   The pilot was rescued, but the aircraft was damaged beyond repair.   

     The aircraft was assigned to VC-12.

     Source: U. S. Navy accident report dated November 15, 1948.  

Narragansett Bay – August 12, 1948

Narragansett Bay – August 12, 1948


TBM-3E Avenger
U. S. Navy Photo

     On August 12, 1948, a pilot was to take part in a practice take-offs and landings training exercise at the Quonset Point Naval Air Station.  The pilot took of in a TBM-3E Avenger, (Bu. No. 53502), and went out over Narragansett Bay.  At an altitude of 600 feet he began a slow right turn and as he was doing so lost visibility and went to instruments.  Before corrections could be made the aircraft crashed into the bay.  The pilot was rescued, but the aircraft was damaged beyond repair.  

     The aircraft was assigned to VA-75.

     Source: U. S. Navy accident report dated August 12, 1948.


Narragansett Bay – January 10, 1946

Narragansett Bay – January 10, 1946


U.S. Navy Grumman Avenger
U.S. Navy Photo

    On January 10, 1946, Ensign John F. Grady took off from the Quonset Point Naval Air Station in a TBM-3E Avenger, (Bu. No. 53798), for a test flight of the aircraft.  The flight was normal and without incident until Ensign Grady was making his final approach to land.  As he was approaching the runway from the direction of Narragansett Bay the aircraft suddenly lost all power.  Grady attempted to restore power by using the primer and emergency fuel pump, but was unsuccessful, and was forced to make an emergency water landing in Narragansett Bay.  The plane sank within two minutes, but Grady was uninjured, and was quickly rescued by a crash boat. 

     The aircraft was later recovered.   

     The cause of the accident was determined to be mechanical, with no blame assessed to the pilot.   


     U. S. Navy Accident report dated January 10, 1946. 

Quonset Point, R. I. – February 7, 1943

Quonset Point, R. I. – February 7, 1943


U.S. Navy Wildcat Fighter
U.S. Navy Photo

     On February 7, 1943, a navy F4F Wildcat, (Bu. No. 5030), was taking off from the Quonset Point Naval Air Station when the engine suddenly lost all power immediately after becoming airborne.  The aircraft crashed back onto the runway and required a major overhaul.  The pilot was not injured.

     This aircraft had been involved in another accident only five days earlier on February 2nd.  On that date, BU. No. 5030 was coasting to a stop after having just landed at Quonset Point when it was struck by another Wildcat, (Bu. No. 12149), which was taxiing into position in preparation of take off.  The accident was blamed on the pilot of Bu. No. 12149.

     Both aircraft were assigned to Fighter Squadron 16, (VF-16).


     U. S. Navy accident report #43-5849, dated February 2, 1943.

     U. S. Navy accident report dated February 7, 1943.  



Quonset Point, R. I. – November 15, 1945

Quonset Point, Rhode Island – November 15, 1945


U.S. Navy PV-1 Ventura
U. S. Navy Photo

     On November 15, 1945, a U. S. Navy PV-1 Ventura, (Bu. No. 34793), was approaching to land at the Quonset Point Naval Air station when it was discovered that the landing gear would not come down.  The aircraft circled for the next two hours while the crew attempted to rectify the problem, but they were unable to do so.  The aircraft made an emergency wheels-up landing on a grass strip parallel to the runway.  The aircraft was damaged, but the six-man crew was uninjured.  


     U. S. Navy accident report #44-9716, dated November 15, 1945.

Quonset Point, R. I. – March 10, 1943

Quonset Point, Rhode Island – March 10, 1943


U.S. Navy PV-1 Ventura

     On the morning of March 10, 1943, a U. S. Navy PV-1 Ventura aircraft, (Bu. No. 29834), with five men aboard, was taking off from the Quonset Point Naval Air Station.  The pilot started a normal takeoff, and as the aircraft proceeded down the runway it began a gradual drift to the left.  The plane became airborne just before reaching the left edge of the runway at which time the left wing tip was observed to drop about 15 degrees and strike a snowbank.  At the moment of impact the wing burst into flames and the aircraft settled back down to the ground.  Both propellers hit the ground tearing the engines from their mountings.  The flaming fuselage skidded along the ground coming to rest 150 yards to the left of the runway.   The aircraft was completely consumed by fire.

     One crewman, Lieutenant, (Jg.) George L. Mawhinney, died in the accident.    

     The pilot and two other crewmen received first and second degree burns.  The fifth crewman escaped with minor bruises.  

     The aircraft was assigned to VB-125.


     U. S. Navy accident report #43-6199, dated March 10, 1943. 



Williamstown, MA. – October 10, 1958

Williamstown, Massachusetts – October 10, 1958


Grumman S-2 Tracker
U. S. Navy Photo

     On the afternoon of October 10, 1958, a U. S. Navy twin-engine Grumman S-2 Tracker aircraft left the Quonset Point Naval Air Station in Rhode Island, bound for Hartford, Connecticut.   The plane carried three navy officers and an enlisted man, all assigned to the 32nd Air Anti-Submarine Squadron based at Quonset.  When the plane landed in Hartford, the enlisted man exited the aircraft.  Then the plane took off bound for Harriman-West Airport in North Adams Massachusetts. 

     The purpose of the flight was to meet with the airport manager, and to examine the field to see if it was suitable for other navy aircraft to participate in an upcoming airshow being sponsored by the Civil Air Patrol.   

     At 3:35 p.m., After conducting their business at the airport, the plane took off to return to Quonset Point.  It went down the runway in a westerly direction towards the town of Williamstown.  According to numerous witnesses, when the aircraft left the ground it began a very step climb.  It continued to climb in an almost vertical position until it reached an altitude of about 2,500 feet, when black smoke suddenly belched from one of the engines.  Then the plane nosed over and began to fall, but then seemed to recover.  It then made a left turn towards the airport as if the pilot was tying to return, and then went down into a wooded area about 500 feet west of the Williamstown-North Adams town line, and about 1,000 feet east of Luce Road.   

     Witnesses rushed to the crash site.  The first to arrive found the aircraft broken in two sections and on fire. When they tried to approach, one of the four auxiliary wing tanks suddenly exploded sending a fiery mushroom cloud 100 feet in the air.   

     The injured pilot was found a few feet away, having been thrown clear on impact.  The pilot was conscious but seriously injured.  After dragging him to safety, there was nothing more they could do.  The other two men aboard did not survive.

     Several clergymen arrived at the scene and gave last rites to the dead.  

     It was speculated that the cause of the accident was due to unresponsive mechanical controls.

     The dead were identified as:

     Lt. (Jg.) Louis M. Bradshaw, 22 or 23, of Austin Texas.  He’s buried in Oakwood Cemetery in Austin.

     Lt. Arthur U. Roberge, 27, of Winooski, Vermont. He’s buried in Arlington National Cemetery.  He was a flight surgeon for VS-37.  He left behind a wife and four children. 


     North Adams Transcript, “Two Die, One Saved In Fiery Navy Plane Crash”, October 11, 1958 

     North Adams Transcript, “Witness Stories Agree Plane Climbed Steep, Faltered, Turned, Crashed”, October 11, 1958

     Rhode Island Pendulum, (No Headline), October 16, 1958

     www.findgrave.com, memorial #26212486, and 49302817.

Quonset Point, R. I. – October 20, 1943

Quonset Point, Rhode Island – October 20, 1943


North American Texan Military Trainer
Author Photo

     On October 20, 1943, an navy SNJ-4 Texan trainer aircraft, (Bu. No. 27815), landed at the Quonset Point Naval Air Station and as it was taxiing off the runway to an airplane parking area it collided with a parked tractor causing significant damage to the aircraft requiring a major overhaul.  The pilot and instructor aboard were not injured.

     The aircraft was assigned to VS-33.

     Source: U. S. Navy accident report dated October 20, 1943.


Quonset Point, R. I. – July 27, 1945

Quonset Point, Rhode Island – July 27, 1945


TBF-1 Avenger
U. S. Navy Photo

     On July 27, 1945, a TBF-1 Avenger, (Bu. No. 06381), had just landed at the Quonset Point Naval Air Station, and as the aircraft was taxiing the landing gear suddenly retracted causing the aircraft the be damaged beyond repair.  None of the crew aboard was injured.


     U. S. Navy accident report dated July 27, 1945.  

Quonset Point, R. I. – August 10, 1948

Quonset Point, Rhode Island – August 10, 1948


F8F Bearcat
U. S. Navy Photo

     On August 10, 1948, a pilot took off from the Quonset Point Naval Air Station in an F8F-1 Bearcat, (Bu. No. 121657), to test the performance of the aircraft after a new carburetor had been installed.   Shortly after takeoff the engine stopped and the pilot was unable to restart it.  He brought the plane in for an emergency landing, but upon touchdown a tire blew out, causing the aircraft to careen into another Bearcat,( Bu. No. 121667) that was parked along the side of the runway.   After the collision, the landing Bearcat rolled over and came to rest in an inverted position.  The pilot wasn’t injured, but the aircraft was damaged beyond all repair.


     U. S. Navy accident report dated August 10, 1948    

North Kingstown, R. I. – November 26, 1947

North Kingstown, Rhode Island – November 26, 1947


F8F Bearcat
U. S. Navy Photo

     On November 26, 1947, an F8F Bearcat, (Bu. No. 95111), took off from the Quonset Point Naval Air Station for a routine training flight.  Shortly after take off the engine began to run erratically and then failed completely.  The pilot was forced to make an emergency landing and aimed for an open field in the Saunderstown area of North Kingstown.  Unfortunately the aircraft couldn’t make it to the field, and crashed into a wooded area next to the field.  The aircraft was damaged beyond repair, and the pilot, although seriously injured, was able to extricate himself from the wreckage.  He was transported to a hospital by a civilian. 

     The aircraft was assigned to VF-7A at Quonset Point.


     U.S. Navy accident report dated November 26, 1947.  

Quonset Point, R. I. – June 12, 1947

Quonset Point, Rhode Island – June 12, 1947


F8F Bearcat
U. S. Navy Photo

     On June 12, 1947, an F8F-1 Bearcat, (Bu. No. 95166), was taking off from Quonset Point Naval Air Station for a training flight.  As the aircraft became airborne, the pilot retracted the landing gear.  As the gear was being raised, the engine suddenly lost power and the aircraft settled back onto the runway where it skidded for approximately 500 feet before it came to rest.  The pilot was not hurt, but the aircraft was severely damaged.

     The aircraft was assigned to VF-8A at Quonset Point.

    Source: U. S. Navy accident report dated June 12, 1947  

Quonset Point, R. I. – October 31, 1944

Quonset Point, Rhode Island – October 31, 1944


U.S. Navy F6F Hellcat
U.S. Navy photo

     On October 31, 1944, a pilot took off from the Quonset Point Naval Air Station in a F6F-5 Hellcat, (Bu. No. 58302), for a familiarization flight over the area.  Thirty minutes into the flight the pilot detected the odor of gasoline fumes in the cockpit and returned to Quonset.  Just after landing safely the aircraft caught fire and was burned.  The pilot extricated himself without injury.    


     U. S. Navy accident report dated October 31, 1944.  

Quonset Point, R. I. – October 17, 1944

Quonset Point, Rhode Island – October 17, 1944


TBF-1 Avenger
U. S. Navy Photo

     On October 17, 1944, a TBF-1 Avenger, (Bu. No. 01769), with three men aboard, was taking off for a training flight from the Quonset Point Naval Air Station.  Just after becoming airborne, but still over the runway, the engine suddenly lost power and the aircraft fell back onto the runway with its wheels retracted.  The aircraft suffered substantial damage as a result of the incident, but the crew was not injured.

     The aircraft was assigned to VTN-91.


     U.S. Navy accident report dated October 19, 1944.  

Block Island Sound – March 12, 1946

Block Island Sound – March 12, 1946


F8F Bearcat
U. S. Navy Photo

     On the night of March 12, 1946, a flight of two F8F-1 Bearcats left Quonset Point Naval Air Station to take part in an instrument training flight.  Each pilot was to take turns flying in the lead position using only instruments while the other would follow from behind.  The weather was clear and calm.

     The flight went out over Block Island Sound to an area about eight miles south of Newport, Rhode Island.  By this time both aircraft had climbed to 8,000 feet.  At some point Ensign Miles Loyd, piloting (Bu. No. 94857), took the lead, and began a 25 degree dive which he maintained for 4,000 feet.  Then his airplane abruptly nosed over and dove downward at 90 degrees before impacting the water and disappearing before Ensign Loyd could escape.     


     U.S. Navy accident report dated March 12, 1946 


Quonset Point, R. I. – August 8, 1944

Quonset Point, Rhode Island – August 18, 1944


TBF-1 Avenger
U. S. Navy Photo

     On the evening of August 18, 1944, a TBF-1D Avenger, (Bu. No. 47884), was taking off from the Quonset Point Naval Air Station when the aircraft lost all power just as it became airborne and went into the waters of Narragansett Bay.  The crew escaped without injury and the aircraft was recovered 13.5 hours later.


     U. S. Navy accident report dated August 8, 1944. 


Quonset Point, R. I. – December 16, 1944

Quonset Point, R. I. – December 16, 1944


TBF-1 Avenger
U. S. Navy Photo

     On the morning of December 16, 1944, a TBF-1 Avenger, (Bu. No. 47576) was making a landing at the Quonset Point Naval Air Station when the aircraft suddenly ground-looped and was damaged beyond repair.  The crew was not injured due to wearing their safety harnesses.

     The aircraft was assigned to VT-97.

     Source: U. S. Navy accident report dated December 16, 1944. 

Quonset Point, R. I. – January 15, 1944

Quonset Point, Rhode Island – January 15, 1944


TBF-1 Avenger
U. S. Navy Photo

     On January 15, 1944, a TBF-1 Avenger, (Bu. No. 47520), landed at the Quonset Point Naval Air Station after a training flight.  Just after touchdown, the landing gear collapsed and the aircraft skidded to a stop.  The three man crew was not injured, but the aircraft suffered significant damage.   


     U.S. Navy accident report #44-10885

Quonset Point, R. I. – January 22, 1944

Quonset Point, Rhode Island – January 22, 1944


TBF-1 Avenger
U. S. Navy Photo

     On January 22, 1944, a TBF-1 Avenger, (Bu. No. 48031) , was attempting to take off from the Quonset Point Naval Air Station on an icy runway, and couldn’t get up enough speed to become airborne.  The pilot then aborted the attempt, and applied the brakes, but due to the icy conditions the aircraft went off the end of the runway and struck some railroad tracks causing significant damage to the aircraft.  None of the aircraft crew was injured. 


     U. S. Navy accident report # 44-11077

Narragansett Bay, R. I. – August 13, 1943

Narragansett Bay, Rhode Island – August 13, 1943


TBF-1 Avenger
U. S. Navy Photo

     On the afternoon of August 13, 1943, a TBF-1 Avenger, (Bu. No. 24031) , was returning to Quonset Point Naval Air Station after a training flight when the engine suddenly lost all power.  At the time this occurred, the aircraft was at an altitude of 900 feet over Narragansett Bay. The pilot turned into the wind and made an emergency water landing with wheels and flaps down.  None of the crew were injured.

     The aircraft was assigned to VT-2.


     U. S. Navy crash report #44-8098

Narragansett Bay, R.I. – May 23, 1943

Narragansett Bay, Rhode Island – May 23, 1943


TBF-1 Avenger
U. S. Navy Photo

     On the morning of May 23, 1943, a flight of six TBF-1 Avengers took off from Quonset Point Naval Air Station for a formation-practice bombing flight.  One of those aircraft was Bu. No. 06123, piloted by Ensign Leon T. Gerhart, (22), of Pennsylvania. 

     Ensign Gerhart’s aircraft had a crew of three aboard:

     ARM3c Donald J. Cross, (20-21) of Wisconsin.

     AMM2c Morrison C. Dobson

     AMM3c William Richard Walker

     Once airborne, the TBF’s rendezvoused with Ensign Gerhart flying in the No. 2 position.  The bombing mission was carried out, with each aircraft making their run individually at an anchored target boat.   At about 9:25 a.m., with the exercise completed,  the signal was given to re-form.  As this was taking place, Ensign Gerhart’s aircraft was involved in a collision with another TBF, (Bu. No. 47528).  During the collision, the tail section of Gerhart’s aircraft was completely broken off, and his plane fell out of control and crashed in Narragansett Bay.   All aboard were killed.

     The other aircraft (Bu. No. 47528) suffered damage to its right wing, but was able to successfully make an emergency landing at Quonset Point.  Nobody aboard that aircraft was injured.

     To see a photograph of Ensign Gerhart, go to www.findagrave.com, see memorial #86945634


     U. S. Navy Crash Report #43-6986 


Narragansett Bay, R. I. – July 16, 1943

Narragansett Bay, Rhode Island – July 16, 1943


TBF-1 Avenger
U. S. Navy Photo

     At 12:20 p.m. on the afternoon of July 16, 1943, a U.S. Navy TBF-1 Avenger, (Bu. No. 47517), took off from the Quonset Point Naval Air Station for what was termed a “special exercise” by the navy.   The weather was clear with unlimited visibility with surface winds of 15 knots. 

     There were three crewmen aboard the aircraft.

     The pilot: Lieutenant Robert Yarnell Bair, 29, of Iowa.

     AOM3C Wade Alexander Harris

     ARM3C Thomas Francis McConnon  

     At about 2:30 p.m., the aircraft was observed by crew members of the USS Thrush, a WWI era minesweeper operating in Rhode Island waters.  At the time, the Thrush was about four to five miles away from the aircraft, when the aircraft was seen diving towards the water and explode on impact. 

     All three crewmen aboard the Avenger were killed, and the aircraft was not recovered.  However, it is mentioned in the navy report of the incident that “confidential gear” was recovered by divers from the USS Thrush. 

     The aircraft was assigned to the Aircraft Anti-Sub Development Project Unit.


     U.S. Navy  crash report #44-7664      

Quonset Point, R. I. – April 9, 1952

Quonset Point, Rhode Island – April 9, 1952

     On April 9, 1952, a Grumman AF-2S Guardian, (Bu. No. 124848), with three men aboard was returning to Quonset Point Naval Air Station after a two-hour rocket and bombing training mission.  As the pilot was making preparations to land he lowered the landing gear, but noticed that the indicator for the left side landing gear wasn’t showing that the wheels were down and locked.  The pilot asked the bombardier to make a visual check of the landing gear, which was done in two ways; once by looking through a window in the left escape hatch, and by using a centrally located periscope that extended out of the bottom of the aircraft.  While these observations were being made the pilot rocked the aircraft to see if there would be any movement in the landing gear, and none was observed.  The bombardier advised the pilot that the landing gear appeared to be in the full down position. 

     After receiving clearance, the aircraft landed on the runway, and the left landing gear collapsed causing damage to the aircraft as it skidded to a stop.  None of the men aboard were injured.    

     The aircraft was assigned to VS-24 at Quonset Point.


     U.S. Navy crash report dated April 9, 1952

Quonset Point NAS – January 31, 1944

Quonset Point Naval Air Station – January 31, 1944


Douglas SBD-6 Dauntless
U.S. Navy Photo

     On January 31, 1944, Ensign A. G. King was piloting an SBD-5 Dauntless, (Bu. No. 29030), while practicing field carrier landings at Quonset Point.  As he was making a landing approach, he lowered the landing gear, but due to a mechanical failure with the aircraft, only one of the wheels came down.  The aircraft suffered heavy damage, but Ensign King was not hurt.

     Source; U.S. Navy Accident Report #44-11373 


Narragansett Bay, R. I. – March 31, 1945

Narragansett Bay, Rhode Island – March 31, 1945


U.S. Navy F6F Hellcat
U.S. Navy photo

     On March 31, 1945, Ensign Setomer took off from the Westerly Auxiliary Naval Air Station in Westerly, Rhode Island, for a training flight in an F6F-5 Hellcat, (Bu. No. 70345).  After two hours of flight time he noticed a drop in oil pressure and made a deferred emergency landing at Quonset Point Naval Air Station in North Kingstown, Rhode Island.   There his plane was inspected and serviced, with four gallons of oil added.  Ensign Setomer then took off headed for Westerly, but after one minute of flight time the engine began to sputter and then froze.  Ensign Setomer made an emergency water landing in Narragansett Bay about one mile south of Quonset Point.  He successfully inflated his life raft before the plane sank, and was rescued a few minutes later by a crash boat.    

     Source: National Archives AAR 338; TD450331RI, via Larry Webster, Aviation Historian, Charlestown, R.I.

Quonset Point, R.I. – March 29, 1945

Quonset Point Naval Air Station – March 29, 1945 


U.S. Navy F6F Hellcat
U.S. Navy photo

     In the early morning hours of March 29, 1945, an Ensign piloting an F6F-5 Hellcat, (Bu. No. 71001), was making night practice landings on Runway 34, when the aircraft stalled and crashed into a sea wall coming to rest upside down.  The aircraft was a complete loss and the pilot was seriously injured.  

     Source: National Archives AAR 33-45: TD450329RI, via Larry Webster, Aviation Historian, Charlestown, R.I.

Narragansett Bay, R.I. – November 1, 1943

Narragansett Bay, Rhode Island – November 1, 1943


U.S. Navy F6F Hellcat
U.S. Navy photo

     On November 1, 1943, fighter squadron VF-14 was commencing a carrier breakup over the Quonset Point Naval Air Station.  Two flights were in the air at the time; one flight of six planes, and a second flight of four.  All aircraft were F6F-3 Hellcats. 

     As the flight of four planes crossed over the flight of six, the last two planes in each group collided in mid-air.  On aircraft, (#66024), was piloted by Ensign Prentice A. Martin, age 23.  The other aircraft, (#65923), was piloted by Ensign George E. Kloss, age 23.  Both planes fell into 26 feet of water not far from the shore of the naval air station.  Neither pilot survived. 

     Ensign Kloss is buried in Holy Sepulchire Cemetery in Alsip, Illinois.

     Ensign Martin is buried in Memorial Park Cemetery in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma.


     U.S. Navy Accident Report #44-9424 

     www.findagrave.com, Memorial #58751036, and # 43654228

Quonset Point, R.I. – March 28, 1944

Quonset Point, R.I. – March 28, 1944


U.S. Navy F6F Hellcat
U.S. Navy photo

     At 7:45 p.m., on the night of March 28, 1944, members of the U.S. Navy’s VF-7 squadron were at Quonset Point Naval Air Station in North Kingstown, Rhode Island, preparing for a night tactics training flight.   All aircraft involved in the operation were F6F-3 Hellcat fighter planes.

     The first six aircraft left the ground without incident.  The next aircraft in line, (Bu. No. 41964), was piloted by Ensign Claude Earl Schilling.  When Ensign Schilling was granted clearance, he proceeded down the runway.  After traveling approximately 2,000 feet down the tarmac, his aircraft inexplicably veered to the right and went off the runway and onto the grass where it ground-looped back onto the runway and came to rest.   Meanwhile, the eighth aircraft, (Bu. No. #41938), piloted by Ensign Charles Francis Sullivan, had also been granted permission to take off on the same runway used by Schilling.  Due to the dark conditions, nobody realized that Schilling hadn’t made it into the air,  and Sullivan’s Hellcat struck Schilling’s plane just aft of  the cockpit severing the fuselage and igniting the fully loaded fuel tanks. 

     Sullivan managed to escape the burning wreckage, but Schilling was killed.

     According to the navy investigation report, what caused Ensign Schilling’s aircraft to leave the runway could not be determined.   

     Ensign Schilling is buried at Rio Vista Fellows Masonic Cemetery, in Rio Vista, California.  See www.findagrave.com, Memorial #135531762. 


     U.S. Navy Investigation Report #44-12718    




Quonset Point NAS – May 2, 1944

Quonset Point NAS – May 2, 1944

Updated March 5, 2019 


U.S. Navy Grumman Avenger
U.S. Navy Photo

     On May 2, 1944, a TBM Avenger was taking off from Quonset Point Naval Air Station when a wing folded and the plane crashed into Narragansett Bay off the end of Runway 19. 

     The Avenger generally carried three men, and there was at least one casualty.  Lieut. (Jg. )William Hinson Gallagher, 22, of Charlotte, North Carolina, was killed.   He’s buried in Elmwood Cemetery in Charlotte, in plot DX-121. 


     It is unknown at the time of this posting if there were other fatalities or injuries involved with this accident.


     Rhode Island Department Of health Death Records.

     Find A Grave website www.findagrave.com

     The Wilmington Morning Star, (Del.), “Charlotte Flier Dies In Rhode Island Crash”, May 13, 1944.


Off North Kingstown, R.I. – June 28, 1942

Off North Kingstown, Rhode Island – June 28, 1942


P-40 Warhawk  U.S. Air Force Photo

P-40 Warhawk
U.S. Air Force Photo

     At 10:30 a.m. on June 28, 1942, army aviator (rank unknown) Robert M. Flanders, 24, was killed when the airplane he was piloting crashed at the water at the east end of Hope Island, which is located in Narragansett Bay, just off shore from the former Quonset Naval Air Station in North Kingstown.   The type of aircraft and details of the accident are unknown.

     Source: North Kingstown, Rhode Island, death records #42-23  

    Update September 15, 2015:  Robert Flanders was a 2nd Lieutenant, and was from Cambridge, Massachusetts.  The aircraft he was piloting was a P-40E (#40-440)


     New York Times, “4 Army Fliers Die In Ohio”, June 29, 1942.  (The article covered more than one plane crash.)

     Larry Webster, Aviation Historian and Archaeologist.

     Update March 2, 2016:   This accident occurred while Lt. Flanders, and 2nd Lt. David H. Brown were engaged in a mock aerial dogfight at 15,000 feet in their P-40 airplanes.  At one point, Lt. Flanders’ P-40 began to dive at high speed, reaching the speed of 400 mph.  At 8,000 feet he began to pull out of the dive at which point his plane exploded in mid-air. 

     A statement filed by Lt. Brown to Army investigators reads as follows:

     “Lt. Flanders and I were on a combat mission when his plane exploded and he met his death.

     We were on oxygen and fighting at 15,000 feet at this time.  Lt. Flanders rolled over on his back and started down in a split-S.  I immediately rolled over and followed him down.  As he started to pull out at about 8,000 feet, and traveling at approximately 400 mph, there was a terrific explosion and his plane went to pieces.”    

      The accident was also witnessed by at least three observers on Hope Island, all of whom basically stated that after the explosion the plane fell nose first into the water.

     It was the opinion of the accident investigation committee that the explosion originated in the reserve fuel tank, possibly caused by a portion of engine cowling being ripped loose from the force of the dive and cutting into the tank.  

     Both pilots were attached to the 66th Fighter Squadron then based at Hillsgrove Army Air Field in Warwick, Rhode Island. 

     Lt. Flanders had obtained his pilots rating on May 29, 1942.

     Lt. Flanders was born June 23, 1917, and died just five days after his 24th birthday. He’s buried in Bellevue Cemetery in Lawrence, Massachusetts.


     United States Army Crash Investigation Report#42-6-28-8


     Updated March 9, 2016

     On June 12, 1942, sixteen days before his fatal accident, Lt. Flanders had a close call while flying another P-40 aircraft, (Ser. No. 41-36514).  On that date, he was returning to Hillsgrove Air Field in Warwick, Rhode Island, after a routine training flight.  Just as he was landing, a strong gust of wind lifted the left wing, causing the right wing to touch the ground and send the plane into a 270 degree “ground loop”.  The aircraft suffered some damage, but Lt. Flanders was unhurt.

     Source: U.S. Army Air Corps Technical Report Of Aircraft Accident #42-6-12-32, dated June 26, 1942.



Narragansett Bay – February 10, 1945

Narragansett Bay – February 10, 1945

One mile northeast off Quonset Point Naval Air Station


U.S. Navy F6F Hellcat U.S. Navy photo

U.S. Navy F6F Hellcat
U.S. Navy photo

     On February 10, 1945, Ensign Pierce Hubert Beach, 22, took off from Quonset Point Naval Air Station in North Kingstown, Rhode Island, in an F6F-5N Hellcat (Bu. No. 58058) for a routine training flight where he and other aircraft were to practice carrier landings and takeoffs.  He was killed when his plane crashed into Narragansett Bay.  

     Ensign Beach earned his pilots wings at Pensacola, Florida, in May of 1944, and was married in June, ’44.   To see a photo of Ensign beach, click on the link below. 



     Lewiston Daily Sun, “Navy Pilot Killed; Another Missing”, February 12, 1945, Pg. 1

     Larry Webster, Aviation Historian & Archeologist

     The (Bunnell Florida) Flagler Tribune, (no headline) February 15, 1945

     U.S. Navy Accident Report dated February 10, 1945

North Kingstown, R.I. – May 18, 1957

North Kingstown, R.I. – May 18, 1957

Quonset Point NAS


Navy FJ-3 Fury

     Saturday, May 18, 1957, was Armed Services Day at Quonset Point, Rhode Island, and as part of the day’s observance, the Navy was hosting an air show which included flight exhibitions by some of the newest aircraft.         

     Shortly before 2:30 that afternoon, an FJ-3 Fury piloted by Navy Lieutenant Raymond C. Shaw Jr. took off for what was to be another routine demonstration flight.  Once airborne, he circled over Narragansett Bay before coming in low over the runway and whizzing past the waving crowds.  Once clear of the runway, he pulled upwards to the north where he suddenly went into a spin and dropped from sight.  Almost immediately a distant boom was heard followed by a rising pall of black smoke a little more than a mile away. 

     The jet crashed at the Davisville Seabee Station just off Fletcher Road in North Kingstown.  After ripping through a clump of trees it plowed through a fence and onto the property of Elmer Norden where it exploded.  Debris was hurled in all directions for 400 yards, and nearby trees were impaled with flying shrapnel. 

     The Fury’s supercharger and other debris came down on the property of Ralph B. Armstrong who was working in his yard at the time, but he wasn’t injured.

     Firefighters from Quonset NAS and North Kingstown raced to the scene and put of the flames. Ironically, the base fire department was scheduled to give a fire fighting demonstration later in the day. 

     Navy investigators concluded the crash was due to the leading edge of the horizontal stabilizer breaking loose during flight.  It was found about a mile short of the crash site along the path the aircraft had traveled.     

     Lieutenant Shaw, 27, was from Charlotte, North Carolina. He graduated Central High School in Charlotte, and went on to attend Lees-McRae College in Banner Elk, and Catawba College in Salisbury, North Carolina.  After graduating in 1952, he enlisted in the Navy and became a pilot.  He worked hard and had recently been promoted to the rank of Lieutenant before the crash.

     Besides his parents, he was survived by his wife Rita and a 3-year-old son, Raymond III.  His funeral was held at Plaza Presbyterian Church in Charlotte.

     To see a photo of Lt. Shaw, click here: https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/38687479/raymond-columbus-shaw

      The FJ-3 Fury was produced by North American Aviation as a Navy version of the Air Force’s F-86E Sabre, to be a carrier-borne fighter jet.   Production was halted in May of 1958 as newer and more technological advanced aircraft came into service.    


The Providence Journal, Quonset Navy Pilot Killed As Jet Fighter Crashes, Explodes in Davisville”, May 19, 1957, Pg. A1

The Charlotte Observer,  “Jet Explodes In Air, Killing Charlottean”, May 19, 1957, Pg. 1

The Charlotte Observer,Shaw Funeral Here Thursday”,May 22, 1957, Page 5A

The Charlotte Observer, Funeral Notice, May 23, 1957, Pg. 11A

The Rhode Island Pendulum, Navy Seeking Aid In Determining Jet Crash Cause”, May 23, 1957, page 1 


Narragansett Bay – June 4, 1971

Narragansett Bay – June 4, 1971  


The canopy to Commander Harley Hall's F-4J Phantom jet that he was forced to bail out of over Narragansett Bay on June, 4, 1971, on display at the Quonset Air Museum. Photo by Jim Ignasher

The canopy to Commander Harley Hall’s F-4J Phantom jet that he was forced to bail out of over Narragansett Bay on June, 4, 1971, on display at the Quonset Air Museum.
Photo by Jim Ignasher

     On June 4, 1971, an F-4J Phantom jet (#153082) belonging to the U.S. Navy Blue Angels team, caught fire in flight over Quonset Point Naval Air Station in North Kingstown, Rhode Island.  The pilot, Commander Harley H. Hall aimed the plane towards Narraganset Bay before bailing out.

     Hall was commanding officer of the Blue Angels for two years.  He was promoted to the rank of Commander at the age of 32, which at the time made him the youngest Commander in the navy. 

     By 1973, Hall was serving aboard the U.S.S. Enterprise (CVN-65) flying combat missions over Vietnam.   On January 27, 1973, Commander Hall and Lt. Cmdr. Phillip A. Kientzler took off from the Enterprise in an F-4J Phantom to attack Vietnamese supplies and logistics vehicles 15 miles northwest of Quang Tri.  During the attack the Phantom was hit by anti-aircraft fire and Hall and Kientzler were forced to bail out at 4,000 feet.  On the way down, Kientzler was shot in the leg and quickly captured.  Hall landed safely, and was last observed by another F-4 pilot circling overhead entering the jungle to evade enemy forces.  He was never seen again.    

     In Vancouver, Washington, there is a building named in Commander Hall’s memory.  The H. H. Hall Building located at 10000 NE 7th Avenue.  (www.hhhallbuiding.com)

    There is also a book about Harley Hall and the Blue Angles titled “Left Alive To Die”, by Susan Keen, c. 2011      


     Nashua Telegraph, “Pilot Killed In Accident At Air Show”, June 7, 1971, Pg. 3.  The headline of this article is actually about an accident at the Quonset Air Show that took the life of J. W. “Bill” Fornof on June 5, 1971.  The accident involving the Blue Angel aircraft was mentioned in it because it happened the day before.       

     The Columbian, “Cmdr. Harley Hall, Shot Down 40 Years Ago”, January 27, 2013 




Quonset Point, R.I. – June 5, 1971

Quonset Point, R.I. – June 5, 1971


F8F Bearcat
U. S. Navy Photo

     On June 5, 1971, the annual Quonset Air Show, a.k.a. Rhode Island Air Show, was being held at Quonset Point Naval Air Station in North Kingstown, Rhode Island.  The second to last portion of the show that day included an aerobatic exposition of two former U.S. Navy F8F Bearcat aircraft flown by a father and son team.   Ten minutes into the exhibition, the wing of one aircraft, (N7700C) piloted by J. W. “Bill” Fornof, suddenly broke away.  The aircraft crashed in a wooded area on Quidnesset Road, about 1.5 miles from the base.   Mr. Fornof, 46, of Houma, Louisiana, was killed.

    His son, J. W. “Corkey” Fornof, flying the other Bearcat was not injured.    

    Investigators blamed the wing failure on metal fatigue.

    Mr. Fornof earned his wings as a navy pilot at the age of 19 in 1945, and served in both WWII and Korea.   

    For more information about J. W. “Bill” Fornof, and a photo of his aircraft, see “Bill Fornof Memorial – Chapter 513 Houma, LA”, at www.513.eaachapter.org/billfornofmemorial.htm 


    The Standard Times, (R. I.), “At Navy’s ‘Successful’ Carnival: A Memory Of Tragedy”, June 10, 1971

     Nashua Telegraph, “Pilot Killed In Accident At Air Show”, June 7, 1971, Pg. 3

    (Lafourche Parish, Louisiana) Daily Comet, ” Courier Reports On Death Of Local Aviator”, By Bill Ellzey, June 8, 2011.

     U.S. Navy & U.S. Marine Corps BuNos, www.joebaugher.com


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