- Airport Dedication Requests
- Bridgeport’s Aerodrome – 1911
- East Boston Airport
- Mantup Airfield, Putnam, Ct. – 1928/29
- Bowles Agawam Airport – 1930
- Israel Putnam Airport – 1930
- Rhode Island Airport Locations – 1932
- Mount Tobe Airport – Plymouth, CT. – 1934
- Mineral Spring Airport – 1945
- Montgomery Airport – North Smithfield, R. I.
- New England Airfields As Of 1934
- Providence Airport – Seekonk, MA.
- Wallingford Airport Dedication – 1927
- Woonsocket, R. I. Airport
- What Cheer Airport – Pawtucket, R. I.
- Wilkins Airport, No. Attleboro, MA.
- Forgotten Tales Of North Central Airport, Smithfield, R.I.
- Rock Dam Aerodrome, Greenfield, Massachusetts