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Worcester MA., Balloon Ascension – 1860
Worcester, MA. – October 19, 1992
Worcester, Massachusetts, – October 19, 1992
At about 6:30 p.m. on the evening of October 19, 1992, a Beech Baron airplane with two people aboard was approaching the runway at Worcester Airport when the aircraft crashed and burned just after receiving clearance to land. Both pilot and passenger were killed. The aircraft had been en-route from Gaithersburg, Maryland.
Source: Providence Journal, “2 People Killed In Worcester Air Crash”, October 20, 1992, page B-3
Worcester, MA – August 22, 1906
Worcester, Massachusetts – August 22, 1906
Updated August 6, 2017
On the evening of August 22, 1906, 15-year-old Charles Mayo of New York was to be paid five dollars to make a balloon ascension all by himself from the grounds of an amusement park. (There is no mention of his having any previous experience with balloons.)
After being tied in the wicker basket hanging beneath the balloon, the ascension was made, but in coming down the basket slammed into the roof of the Philip W. Moen mansion knocking off the top of the chimney and tearing away some of the roof tiling. It was reported that Mayo received “severe injuries” to his legs, back, and head, from the impact.
New York Tribune, (No Headline), August 24, 1906, page 3, under general news.
Spirit Of The Age, (Woodstock, Vt.) “Boy Hurt In Balloon”, August 25, 1906
Worcester, MA – July 30, 1892
Worcester, Massachusetts – July 30, 1892
On July 30, 1892, Professor Blondie Willies was scheduled to give a balloon exhibition in Worcester. As preparations for the ascent were being made, volunteers held the balloon earthbound with anchor ropes. Then a sudden thunderstorm blew in, and heavy winds and rain buffeted the balloon, causing it to get away from the men who were attempting to hold it down. As the balloon began to rise, one man, identified as Benjamin Long, got his right foot caught in the loop at the end of the rope he was holding and was yanked off his feet and pulled upwards. Five thousand people had gathered to watch the ascension, and those who hadn’t sought shelter watched in horror as Long was seen dangling by his leg as the empty and untethered balloon continued to rise and thunder and lightning raged all around.
Long did the only thing he could do under the circumstances, and that was to begin maneuvering in such a way as to be able to grab hold of the parachute suspended beneath the balloon and pull the cut-off rope. He fell for fifty feet before the chute deployed, however the wind carried him over a nearby lake where he landed in the water. After swimming ashore on his own, he was greeted to cheers and applause by those who had witnessed the incident. None was more relieved to see Long safe than his mother, who had accompanied him to the event.
Turner County Herald, (Hurley, So. Dakota) “A Scene Not Advertised”,(A Man Carried Up Head Downwards By A Balloon.) August 11, 1892