Shirley, Maine – August 12, 1973
On August 12, 1973, a Piper Cub float plane with two men aboard took off from Moosehead Lake. Just after becoming airborne, what was described as a “puff of smoke” from the engine came into the cockpit. The pilot attempted to turn back towards Moosehead Lake but his passenger suggested he attempt to land in Shirley Pond instead. Then another “puff of smoke” came into the cockpit before the plane abruptly lost all power and crashed in a field in the town of Shirley. The plane was wrecked, and both men were transported to a medical facility with non-life threatening injuries.
The Moosehead Gazette, “2 escape With Lives In Shirley Plane Crash”, August 17, 1973 (Photo of Airplane)
Providence Evening Bulletin, “Two Survive Maine Air Crash”, August 13, 1973, page 33