Jamestown, Rhode Island – July 11, 1955
On July 11, 1955, a U. S. Navy F3D2 Skynight jet fighter was coming in to land at the Quonset Point Naval Air Station when the pilot lost control of the aircraft due to an undetermined malfunction. The aircraft was returning from a routine test flight after just having maintenance done to it.
The aircraft continued out across Narragansett Bay towards Jamestown Island. When it was evident that the pilot could not regain control, both he and a rear seat observer ejected. The pilot landed safely on the shore of Jamestown Island, and waded out to a fishing boat, the owner of which took him out to meet up with the “crash boat” from Quonset Point.
The observer landed safely in Narragansett Bay and was rescued shortly by the crew of the Quonset crash boat.
Meanwhile, the fighter jet had crashed and exploded on Narragansett Street on Jamestown Island leaving a 25 feet wide crater. Nobody on the ground was injured.
The Rhode Island Pendulum, (No headline, news item), July 14, 1955.
The Standard, (R. I.), “Quonset Manor Pilot Forced To Bail Out Of Plane”, July 14, 1955