Winsted, Connecticut – April 17, 1908
In early April of 1908, aeronaut Paul Roy of Hartford, Connecticut, and Merritt B. Heady of Winsted, purchased a balloon with the hopes of securing bookings at regional fairs over the upcoming summer doing balloon ascensions and parachute drops.
On April 17, 1908, the men were inflating the balloon for its inaugural flight about two miles from Winsted Center when it suddenly caught fire. The flames were quickly extinguished but repairs would be necessary before they could attempt another flight. Paul Roy, who was strapped to his parachute while waiting to take off was not injured. Nor was Mr. Heady.
Hartford Courant, “Paul Roy To Buy Hot Air Balloon”, April 11, 1908
Hartford Courant, “Young Roy’s New Balloon – Caught Fire Before Initial Ascension Could Be Made”, April 18, 1908