North Attleboro, MA. – June 16, 1955

North Attleboro, Massachusetts – June 16, 1955

     On June 16, 1955, two men in small airplane took off from Wilkins Airport in North Attleboro for a routine flight.  An hour later the plane returned to the field and was making a landing approach amidst strong gusty winds.  The winds were due to an electrical storm that was bearing down on the field.  Just as the plane touched down a wind gust lifted it back into the air.  The pilot then applied full throttle with the intent of making another pass at the field, but failed to gain enough altitude to clear some power lines that ran along Kelley Blvd. at the edge of the airport.  The plane struck the powerlines which wrapped around the propeller and pulled the plane down.  The aircraft suffered damage to the wings and propeller, but neither man was injured.     


     The Pawtucket Times, “2 Unhurt As Plane Crashes”, June 17, 1955, pg. 11.

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