Cape Cod Bay, Massachusetts – May 8, 1944
On the afternoon of May 8, 1944, a TBM-1C Avenger, (Bu. No. 25500), was participating in a bomb-depth charge training flight over Cape Cod Bay. The aircraft was carrying some 100 lb. bombs equipped with instantaneous fuses, and some depth charges equipped with 5-second delay fuses. At 4:10 p.m., the pilot began a bomb run during which one of the bombs caused a fire in the bomb-bay. As flames gushed forth from the open bomb-bay doors, the rest of the ordinance was jettisoned. The aircraft was then seen to enter a steady glide and crash into the water. The aircraft sank taking all aboard with it.
The navy identified the crew as follows:
Pilot: Lt.(Jg.) Norwood H. Dobson, (27). To see a photo of him, go to, view memorial #53923003.
Gunner: AOM3/c John William Dahlstrom
Radio Operator: ARM3/c Arthur N. Levesque
The crew was assigned to VT-7.
Source: U. S. Navy accident report #44-13855, dated May 8, 1944.