Norwalk, CT. – July 26, 1933

Norwalk, Connecticut – July 26, 1933

     On July 26, 1933, three young men took off from Norwalk Airport to test fly an airplane.   One man was the 18-year-old son of the airport’s owner, and his older brother was considering buying the plane, but the older brother was not aboard.   The pilot was employed as a aircraft mechanic at the Norwalk Airport, and the third person aboard was 20-years-old.   

     Shortly after take off witnesses saw the plane go into a nose dive and crash near the edge of the airport.  Two of those aboard were killed instantly, while the pilot was taken to a nearby hospital where it was reported that he only had a small chance of recovering. 


     The Waterbury Democrat, “Youths Killed In testing Out Their Plane”, July 27, 1933.

     The Evening Star, (Wash. D.C.), “Two Die In Plane Crash”, July 27, 1933. 



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