Inter-continental Aviation Meet – 1910

Inter-continental Aviation Meet – September 3, 1910


     The following newspaper article, dated September 3, 1910,  appeared in the Arizona Republican (Phoenix, Arizona).  Atlantic, Massachusetts, is a village in the town of Quincy, Massachusetts, near Boston.  Apparently there was at least once crash at the meet. 

An Inter-Continental Aviation Meet


The Initial Performance at Atlantic, Massachusetts

     Atlantic, Mass. Sept. 3 – Daring aviators of two continents met at the new Harvard aviation field at Atlantic today on the opening of the Harvard-Boston aero meet which will be continued through the next ten days.

     In a three-mile breeze, Wright’s new model biplane, with the front control removed and placed at the rear, was taken out by Ralph Johnstone. Walter Brookins, in the standard Wright machine, followed, and then came Charles F. Willard in a Curtiss biplane.  Claude Graham White, in his Farnam biplane, and Clifford B. Harmon also flew.  One of the wheels of Harmon’s biplane sank into the soft dirt on the getaway, making the machine unsteady , and from a height of forty feet it fell into a marsh and was wrecked.  Harmon escaped injury.

     A drizzling rain fell during all of the afternoon, and the crowds were leaving when Graham White came out a second time in his Bleriot for what proved to be a sensational flight.  In a three-lap flight, Mr. White did a five and a quarter miles in six minutes, five seconds, the best speed of the day.

     Curtiss came out at 6:30 p.m. for some practice flights in his own racing machine  closing the day’s events.        


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