Mt. Washington, N.H. – March 21, 1971

Mt. Washington, New Hampshire – March 21, 1971

     On March 21, 1971, a husband and wife were killed when their small private aircraft crashed near the summit of Mt. Washington after encountering fog conditions.  The aircraft came down in a flat area where it sheared its wings before flipping over.    

     The couple were identified as Thomas Hennessy Jr., 54, and his wife Irehne (Irene), 47, both of Wellesley, Massachusetts.  Mrs. Hennessy was a model and television personality, best known for being the “Hi neighbor” girl for the then Rhode Island based Narragansett Beer company. 

     It was also reported that three other persons lost their lives in another plane crash which happened in the same area in December, 1969.


     Nashua Telegraph, “Bodies Of Wellesley Couple Found In Airplane Wreckage”, March 23, 1971 

     Nashua Telegraph, “Authorities Seek Cause Of Plane Crash”, March 24,1971 

     Nashua Telegraph, “Adverse Weather Ruled In 1971 Light Plane Crash”, August 24, 1972


Mt. Washington, N.H. – October 2, 1990

Mt. Washington, New Hampshire – October 2, 1990

     At 3:21 a.m. on October 2, 1990, a Cessna 172 aircraft carrying three men took off from Syracuse, New York, bound for Bangor, Maine.  At 4:44 a.m., the plane disappeared from radar and flew into the north side of Mt. Washington.   The mountain is 6, 288 feet high, and it was reported that had the aircraft been just 30 feet higher it would have cleared the mountain. 

     Wreckage was scattered over several hundred feet in a difficult area to access.  Searchers were further hampered by strong winds and bad weather. 

     All three men were killed in the crash.  Two were identified as Jimmy Fred Jones, 33, and Stewart Eames, 27, both of Forth Worth, Texas.   The bodies were brought down the mountain in the Cog Railway train that brings tourists up and down the mountain.


Nashua Telegraph, “Small Plane Crashes Into Mt. Washington”, October 10, 1990 

(North Conway N.H.) The Reporter, “Plane Crash Kills Three”, October 10, 1990 

Bangor Daily News, “Mt. Washington’s Cog Railway To Carry Bodies Of Texas Men Killed In Plane Crash”, October 4, 1990

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