Westerly, R. I. – August 27, 1944

Westerly, Rhode Island – August 27, 1944    

F6F Hellcat
U. S. Navy Photo

     On August 27, 1944, a group of U. S. Navy F6F Hellcat fighter planes were taking part in a gunnery practice exercise over the Misquamicut area of Westerly.  Shortly before noon, one of the planes, (Bu. No. 42995), developed engine trouble and the pilot was forced to make an emergency landing in the surf at Misquamicut Beach.  After “pancaking” the aircraft in the water, the pilot extricated himself and waded to shore, uninjured.  The plane was not badly damaged, and was recovered, repaired, and put back into service. 

     The plane came down about 1 mile east of the Weekapaug Bridge.

     The pilot was assigned to VF9(n)-75 stationed at Westerly Filed. 


     Providence Journal, “Navy Plane Lands In Surf Off Beach”, August 28, 1944.  

Westerly, R. I. – September 2, 1929

Westerly, R.I. – September 2, 1929

Updated November 26, 2022

     At 4:30 p.m. on the afternoon of September 2, 1929, a small airplane with a pilot and two women passengers aboard took off from Misquamicut Field, (Today known as Westerly Airport), for what was to be a sightseeing flight over the area.  Shortly after take off, while at an altitude of 75 to 100 feet, the engine began to skip.  The pilot attempted to remedy the situation by opening the throttle, but this didn’t correct the malfunction.  He then banked the aircraft with the intention of returning to the airfield.  Realizing he wouldn’t make it to the field, he aimed for Brightman’s Pond, a small salt water pond between Masquamicut Beach and the airfield.  Realizing that a crash was inevitable, the pilot undid his safety belt and called for the women to do the same.  The plane crashed short of the pond, coming down on Misquamicut Beach.  It landed on its left wing, and just as it did so the pilot jumped clear. The aircraft then spun around before coming to an abrupt stop.  Immediately afterwards the plane erupted in flames, and the two passengers perished.   

     According to witnesses, the pilot attempted to reach the plane but was driven back by the smoke and flames. 

     It was reported that the pilot admitted to state police investigators that he’d failed to turn off the ignition prior to the crash.    

      The dead were identified as Mrs. Marie A. Hunter, (31), of 3 Avery Street, Westfield, Massachusetts, and Miss Marie Day, (20), of 20 Colton Avenue, West Springfield, Massachusetts. No autopsies were performed. 

     The type of aircraft is unknown. 


     Woonsocket Call, “2 Women Die In Airplane Crash Near Westerly”, September 3, 1929

     Woonsocket Call, “Fatal Airplane Crash Probed”, September 4, 1929, Pg. 3.      

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