Manchester, N. H. – June 7, 1949

Manchester, New Hampshire – June 7, 1949


P-51 Mustang
U.S. Air Force Photo

      On June 7, 1949, 1st Lieutenant William Arthur Primm, (26), of Farmingdale, New York, was killed when the F-51 Mustang he was piloting crashed shortly after take off from Grenier Field in Manchester.  (The serial number of his airplane was  44-74791A.) 

     The cause of the accident wasn’t stated. 

     Lt. Primm entered the service in 1942 and served with the Army Air Corps.  At the time of his death he was the communications officer of the 97th Fighter Squadron at Grenier Field.  He’s buried at Long Island National Cemetery in East Farmingdale, N.Y.

     The F-51 Mustang was formerly known as the P-51.  The designation was changed in 1947. 


     Nashua Telegraph, “Pilot Killed In Grenier Crash NY State Man”, June 8, 1949

Bedford & Manchester, N. H. – August 12, 1947

Bedford & Manchester, New Hampshire – August 12, 1947


AT-11, U.S. Air Force Photo

     On the evening of August 12, 1947, Army Major Cullie B. Harris, (29), of Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, took off from Bedford, Massachusetts, in a Beechcraft AT-11 advanced trainer, (Ser. No. 43-37121), bound for Grenier Field in Manchester, New Hampshire.    

     Meanwhile, a Douglas A-26 Bomber, (Ser. No. 44-35447), with a crew of three aboard, was making it’s way from Andrews Field in Maryland to Grenier Field.     

     Both aircraft happened to be in the vicinity of Manchester at the same time and collided with each other in mid-air.  The weather that day had been hot, and a thick haze hung in the air.  It was later speculated that the haze may have obstructed the view of each pilot until it was too late.   

      The trainer went down in Manchester about three miles south of Grenier Field, in a residential area where it crashed and burned after hitting a garage.   Major Harris was killed instantly.   No private homes were hit, and there were no injuries on the ground.    

A-26 Invader – U.S. Air Force Photo

     At the same time, the bomber went down in the neighboring town of Bedford, and crashed near the Manchester Country Club killing all aboard.  There were no injuries to anyone on the ground. 

     The crew of the bomber were identified as:

     Pilot: Captain John R. Stern, (26), of Nobleville, Indiana.  He’s buried in Crwonland Cemetery n Noblesville.   To see a photo of him, click here:     

     Crew Chief: Tec. Sgt. Everett W. Hughes, (33), of Derry New Hampshire. To see a photo of his grave, click here:

     Sgt. Joseph A. Ramasocky, (21), of Toledo, Ohio. To see a photo and news clippings, click here:

     Sgt, Ramasocky’s brother was killed in a B-24 bomber crash on Camel’s Hump Mountian, Vermont, October, 16, 1944.  

     The crew of the bomber were assigned to the 66th Fighter Wing. 

     Major Harris is buried in Hobart Rose Cemetery in Hobart Oklahoma. to see a photo of his grave, click here:


     The Nashua Telegram, “Four killed In Plane Crash In Manchester”, August 13, 1947.

     Joplin Globe, “Reveal Names Of Dead In Plane Collision”, August 14, 1947, page 5. 

     Derry News, “Air Crash Victim Derry Resident”, August 15, 1947


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