Boston Airport – June 28, 1942
Updated March 7, 2016
On June 28, 1942, 2nd Lt. Albert J. Wiebe was on a formation training flight over the Boston area when his aircraft, a P-40E, (Ser. No. 40-539) developed engine trouble. He left the formation to return to Boston Airport. As he was making his approach to land when his plane lost power and crashed. Lt. Wiebe did not survive.
Lt. Wiebe was from West New York, New Jersey. He enlisted in September of 1941, and received his commission on April 23, 1942. He was survived by his wife.
At the time of his death he was assigned to the 64th Fighter Squadron.
New York Times, “4 Army Fliers Die In Ohio”, June 29, 1942 (The article covered more than one accident.)
U.S. Army Air Corps Technical Report Of Aircraft Accident, dated July 12, 1942