Mantup Airfield, Putnam, Connecticut

Mantup Airfield, Putnam, Connecticut

     Mantup Airfield evolved at the Mantup Farm located in the Gary section of Putnam. Connecticut.  The make-shift airport appears to have been established in the late 1920s as a venue for airshows, “barnstormers”, parachute drops, and plane rides.  By the summer of 1930, the airfield had to compete with the newly established Israel Putnam Airport located at the Putnam/Pomfret town line.    Mantup Field was eventually eclipsed by the newer airport, and ceased operations by the mid-1930s.     

Crash at Mantup Airport – April 23, 1929     

Crash at Mantup Airport – November 18, 1929

     Click on images to enlarge.

Putnam Patriot
May 9, 1929

Windham County Observer
November 5, 1930

Windham County Observer
September 14, 1932

Putnam Patriot
August 23, 1934


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