Two New England Balloon Records Set – 1910

Two New England Balloon Records Set – 1910

     On May 21, 1910, the following small news item appeared in the Rock Island Argus, a newspaper in Rock Island, Illinois.

Early balloon with net


     “St. Hyacinthe, Quebec, May 21, – Two new records were established today when the balloon Cleveland, which ascended from North Adams (Mass.) last night, came down here at 6:28 this morning after the longest flight ever made by a balloon from New England, and the first time a balloon from New England has landed in Canada.  The balloon traveled more than 200 miles in an airline and was in the air 11 hours 52 minutes and reached an altitude of 11,000 feet.” 

     Source: Rock Island Argus, “New England Balloon Mark Is Fractured”, May 21, 1910

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