Foster, Rhode Island – January 26, 1980
On the morning of January 26, 1980, a lone pilot took off from Islip, Long Island, New York, in a single-engine Cessna 150 for a 300 mile cross-country navigational flight. His flight plane included flying from Islip to North Central State Airport in Smithfield, Rhode Island, then on to Columbia, New York, and then back to Islip. At about 10:40 a.m., while passing over western Rhode Island, the Cessna developed engine trouble, and the pilot was forced to make an emergency landing. He set the plane down in a six acre field in Foster. As the aircraft bounced along the frozen ground, it suddenly hit a dip which sent it into a line of trees behind a cemetery where it hit the trees at about 40 mph and came to rest on its nose. The field was located adjacent to North Road, about a half-mile from Route 94.
The aircraft didn’t burn, and the pilot was able to extricate himself. He was not injured.
Providence Sunday Journal, “Pilot Climbs Out Of Cessna Uninjured After Ramming Trees In Foster Landing”, January 27, 1980, page A-16, with photo of crash scene.