Off Cape Porpoise, ME. – May 4, 1944

Off Cape Porpoise, Maine – May 4, 1944


U.S. Navy F6F Hellcat
U.S. Navy photo

On May 4, 1944, Ensign William Donald Larson was piloting an F6F-3 Hellcat, (Bu. No. 41489), on a glide-bombing training flight off the coast of Cape Porpoise, Maine.  While flying in the #2 position in a column following the flight leader, Ensign Larson entered into his first dive-run from an altitude of 6,000 feet. While making his dive, he was killed when his aircraft plunged into the water an disappeared.  Approximately twenty minutes later an oil slick and some pieces of flotsam were seen on the surface of the water in the area where his plane went in.  

     Ensign Larson was assigned to VF-44.

     To see a picture of Ensign Larson, go to, memorial #75446469. 


     U.S. Navy Accident Report #44-13810   

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