Bridgeport Airport, CT – May 21, 1942

Bridgeport Airport, Connecticut – May 21, 1942


P-36C  Ser. No. 38-204 Bridgeport, Connecticut May 21, 1942

P-36C Ser. No. 38-204
Bridgeport, Connecticut
May 21, 1942

     At 7:40 p.m. on May 21, 1942, 2nd Lt. George D. Hobbs was returning to Bridgeport Airport after an interception mission when he discovered that the landing gear on his P-36C airplane (Ser. No. 38-204) wouldn’t come down using the electric switch, so he was forced to bring the wheels down manually.  He then discovered that the flaps weren’t working either.  After trying to work them manually, he came in for a landing, but the brakes failed after touchdown, and the aircraft continued on into a dyke at the end of the runway.   Although the aircraft suffered damage, Lt. Hobbs was not injured.

     Lt. Hobbs was assigned to the 61st Pursuit Squadron (I) based in Bridgeport, Ct.

     Source: U.S. Army Air Corps Technical Report Of Aircraft Accident #42-5-21-28.  Photo of aircraft is from the  report.       

Boston Airport – September 15, 1941

Boston Airport, Massachusetts – September 15, 1941


P-40 Warhawk  U.S. Air Force Photo

P-40 Warhawk
U.S. Air Force Photo

     On September 15, 1941, a U.S. Army P-40C fighter aircraft (Ser. No. 41-13393) was cleared for take off from Boston Airport.  As the army plane was becoming airborne it was involved in a collision with a Stinson civilian aircraft (NE-87) belonging to Northeast Airlines, Inc.

     The army pilot escaped with minor injuries.  However, the Stinson pilot, and two of the three passengers were seriously injured.

     The P-40 was assigned to the 66th Pursuit Squadron in Windsor Locks, Connecticut.

     Source: U.S. Army Air Corps Technical Report Of Aircraft Accident #42-9-15-3, dated September 17, 1941


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