Fort Devens, MA – May 4, 1942

Fort Devens, Massachusetts – May 4, 1942


U.S. Air Corps O-52 Aircraft #40-2713 U.S. Army Air Corps Photo Ft. Devens, Mass.  May 4, 1942

U.S. Air Corps O-52 Aircraft
U.S. Army Air Corps Photo
Ft. Devens, Mass.
May 4, 1942

     At about 11:30 a.m., on May 4, 1942, 2nd Lt. Howard E. Conklin, and 1st Lt. Arthur L. Miller, took off from Fort Devens Field in an O-52 observation plane, (Ser. No. 40-2713), for a routine patrol flight.  Upon their return at 1:00 p.m., strong gusty winds were buffeting the field.  After circling the field, Lt. Conklin decided it would be better to land on the west runway.  Just as the plane touched down a strong crosswind caught the tail and swung the plane to the right.  Lt. Conklin applied full rudder and brake, but there was no response as the plane continued to swing to the left.  Then the wingtip hit the ground and swung the plane to the right before coming to rest. 

     Although there was damage to the plane, neither man was hurt.

     The aircraft was assigned to the 152nd Observation Squadron at Fort Devens. 

     Source: U.S. Army Air Corps Technical Report Of Aircraft Accident, #42-5-4-15  Photo of wrecked aircraft is from the report.  




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