The Boston Aeronautical Manufacturing Company – 1909
The following newspaper articles relate to the Boston Aeronautical Manufacturing Company, of which little is known.
The following article appeared in The Bridgeport Evening Farmer, (Bridgeport, CT.), on December 23, 1909.
Boston, Dec. 23 – A new airship intended to carry a dozen or more people and expected by the inventor to be capable of going to New York with the greatest ease, and later of making a trip across the Atlantic in two days, is promised by a new Boston flying machine concern, the Boston Aeronautical Manufacturing Company, just incorporated here with a capital of $500,000.
The president of the new company is Frank S. Corlew of the Corlew-Coughlin Motor Company, and its vice president and engineer, Albert Gouldhart, inventor of the new machine. Mr. Gouldhart is now completing the machine with which he will make the first flight about May 30.
The machine will weigh 800 pounds and will have a lifting capacity of 2,500 pounds.
Mr. Gouldhart says that the machine will rise in its own space perpendicular from the starting point and without any assistance outside of its own power to about 5,000 feet, although it is said almost any height may be attained. At this point the airship will keep as nearly as possible on that same level until it has attained a speed of 75 miles an hour. Then the planes will be set so as to attain a gradual descent, the power shut off and the machine, with its initial velocity will glide rapidly toward the earth and to within a few hundred feet, then will be shot up again. While gliding or coasting, the inventor expects to keep a speed of about 40 miles an hour.
The following article appeared in The Spokane Press, (Spokane, WA.), December 31, 1909.
Boston, Dec. 31 – Aeroplanists sailing Bostonward next spring need not suspend their journeys on the outskirts of the city but can fly into the heart of the downtown section, for a flying machine landing is to be established for them. It will be on the top of the large five-story building on Hawkins Street, known as the Sudbury Garage, and plans are now being made to provide all the necessary facilities for the landing and starting of different types of aeronautical craft on the broad roof of the building. To conduct this station and also to build a new type of flying machine the Boston Aeronautical Company has been incorporated with $500,000 capital.