Seekonk, MA.- October 27, 1925

Seekonk, Massachusetts – October 27, 1925

     On the afterno0n of October 27, 1925, what was reportedly “the largest cargo airplane in the world” took off from Hartford, Connecticut, bound for Boston.  The aircraft was a Remington – Burnelli, with an 86 foot wing-span, named the “Miss Essex”.   It carried a crew of three, four passengers, and an Essex automobile.  

     The pilot was an experienced airman with 4,000 flight hours to his credit.

     As the plane was passing near the outskirts of Providence, Rhode Island, at about 3,000 feet, both of its engines suddenly stopped – possibly due to a broken fuel line.  While battling a strong cross wind, the pilot looked for a place to make an emergency landing and aimed for an open area in the town of Seekonk, which borders Providence.  Unfortunately the field wasn’t wide enough to accommodate the large wing-span and the aircraft was wrecked.

     Although the plane had suffered severe damage, the only injury that required medical attention was a laceration to the chin of one of the passengers.  Furthermore, it was reported that the Essex automobile was virtually undamaged from the crash.  


     The Pawtucket Times, “Largest Cargo Airplane In World Wrecked By Forced Landing In Seekonk Field”, October 28, 1925

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