Putnam, CT. – April 18, 1936

Putnam, Connecticut – April 18, 1936

     On April 18, 1936, two men, both employees of the Standard Oil Company, were flying from New York to Putnam Airport so one of the men could visit his son who attended Pomfret School.  Upon reaching the airport they saw that red flags had been posted indicating that the airport was closed except for emergency landings due to water saturated fields.  The pilot radioed the airport, and the radio operator advised that the airport was in fact closed and that the field was unsafe for landing.  Despite the warnings, the pilot attempted to land anyway and damaged the plane upon touchdown when it nosed over in the soft earth.  Neither man was injured, but mechanics had to replace the propeller and make other repairs before the plane was airworthy enough to return to New York. 


     Windham County Observer, “New York Plane Damaged Landing At Airport Here”, April 22, 1936.

     Putnam Patriot, “Airplane Is damaged In Mishap Here”, April 23, 1936     



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