Nottingham, N. H. – January 7, 1961

Nottingham, New Hampshire – January 7, 1961 

      On January 7, 1961, a lone pilot took off from an airport in Hampton, N. H., in a single-engine airplane bound for Pawtuckaway Lake in the town of Nottingham to visit a friend.   As the pilot was making his approach to land on the frozen lake the propeller and tail wheel clipped an electric company cable strung across the southern portion of the lake causing the plane to crash nose first onto the ice.  Fortunately the power had been cut to the cable for the winter season “otherwise” it was reported, the plane might have become a “flaming coffin”. 

     The pilot was thrown from the plane and knocked unconscious from the impact.  Apparently nobody had seen or heard the crash and when the pilot regained consciousness, he began calling for help.  A group of men cutting brush heard the cries and went to his aid.  The plane was a total loss, and the pilot was taken to a hospital where he later recovered. 


     Derry News & Salem Enterprise,  “Judge G—— Is Glad To Be Alive After His Plane Crashes”, January 12, 1961   


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