North Smithfield, Rhode Island – November 25, 1928
On November 25, 1928, a flight of five U.S. Army airplanes were returning to Boston from New Haven, Connecticut, when one piloted by Lieutenant Robert O’Brien developed engine trouble. The plane was equipped with two gas tanks, and when the first was almost empty, O’Brien opened the fuel supply line from the second, but discovered that the line was clogged. Almost immediately the engine began sputtering and then stopped, leaving O’Brien with no choice but to make an emergency landing.
Looking down he saw the old Woonsocket Trotting Park, but noted there was a football game in progress on the field, so he aimed the plane for a nearby farm. The farm belonged to George Wright, on Woonsocket Hill Road, in North Smithfield, and is still in operation today.
As the plane came in to land, the wheels caught the top of a fence which sent it crashing nose first into the sod. The aircraft was badly damaged, but O’Brien and his civilian passenger, Robert Wise, were uninjured.
Source: Woonsocket Call, “Two Escape Injury When Plane Crashes”, November 26, 1928, Pg. 1