Dow Air Force Base – September 9, 1960
Bangor, Maine
On Friday, September 9, 1960, six U.S. Air Force F-100 Super Sabres, all belonging to the famous Air Force Thunderbirds aerobatic flight team, left Pease Air Force Base in Newington, New Hampshire, for Dow AFB in Bangor, Maine, to take part in the Downeast Air Fair being held that weekend. When the jets arrived they made two passes in formation around the field before peeling off to land one at a time. As one of the F-100s came down on the runway, its landing gear suddenly collapsed. The aircraft skidded on its belly across the runway, then across a taxi way, before coming to rest in a ditch. There was no fire, and the pilot was not hurt.
Source: Lewiston Daily Sun, Thunderbird In Dow Base Crash”, September 10, 1960