Derry, N. H. – November 20, 1951

Derry, New Hampshire – November 20, 1951   

P-47 Thunderbolt – U.S. Air Force Photo

     On November 20, 1951, Captain Frank H. McQuaid of the 133rd Fighter Interceptor Squadron at Grenier Field in Manchester was on a routing training flight when his aircraft caught fire in flight, and he was forced to bail out.  Capt. McQuaid landed safely in east Derry, while his aircraft, a P-47D Thunderbolt, (Ser. No. 44-32742), crashed and burned in a wooded area near Couch’s Pond, a short distance from the old Auburn Road.  


     Derry News, “Grenier Pilot ‘Chutes To Safety In Plane Crash Here”, November 22, 1951.

     Aviation Safety Network

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