Block Island, R. I. – July 8, 1956

Block Island, Rhode Island – July 8, 1956

     At 10 a.m. on the morning July 8, 1956, three men took off from Block Island Airport bound for Connecticut.  Just after take off the plane was shrouded in fog, and the pilot began to circle the area at an altitude of 400 feet.  While doing so, the plane struck and unidentified object which snapped the rudder cable.  The plane then began to loose altitude.  It came out of the low lying fog and narrowly missed crashing into the National Hotel on Water Street.  After missing the hotel, the plane crashed in shallow water just off the beach.  The three men escaped the plane and swam ashore.  They weren’t injured, but the plane was reportedly a total loss. 


     The Pawtucket Times, ” 3 Swim Ashore After Plane Crashes Off Block Is. Beach” July 9, 1956, pg. 11. 

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